We are offering airless paint sprayer. a quality general purpose electric painting and decorating airless paint sprayer, made by the leading manufacturer graco in the usa. it will handle the full range of decorative coatings, providing that they are not textured. pressure control is electronic to provide a st more...
We offer spray pumps. Please do not hesitate to get in touch to find out about our spray mist sprays ranging in sizes and doses. These can be finished in either a ribbed or smooth collar with either a matte of gloss finish. more...
The siromer disc harrow is designed to turn stubborn ground into ground ready for planting in one passing. The robust harrow features offset 16" sharp blades for a finer tilth. Model s74 (4ft) s76 (6ft) horsepower required 20-40hp 30-50hp weight 300kg 330kg discs 16 18 more...