We offer Modular Gear Motors. Top torque density, product variety, extremely wide speed choice, great compactness and price effectiveness make the C series the unparalleled line of helical gear motors and speed reducers. more...
Buyers can rely on us for the best in line products as we prepare them using the finest grade raw material and modern techniques. Also, the basic material is sourced from the reliable places. In our spacious warehouse, we store the entire lot under safe environment ensuring zero damage to the products. Moreov more...
we specialize in the sale of surplus and used electric motors. we stock used electric motors to 6, 000 hp. we look forward to providing prices you can work with and deliveries you can live with. we deliver these motors in electrically okay condition, which means the apparatus operates with the stamped namepla more...
We Specialize in Domestic and International Supply of Plastic Scraps and Materials. we have Electric Motor Scrap for Sale. we have Consistent and Steady Flow of Inventory Which Allow Us to Stay One Step Ahead of Our Competition. more...
we offer motor parts. motor parts from the uk for vintage cars and british manufactured cars. more...
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