We offer a complete product range of Visiflon, Bioflex Ultra, Pharmaline N, Pharmaline X and Corroflon
We offer visiflon. Visiflon includes a helically convoluted ptfe liner tube, and the tube is fully convoluted inside and out. (this is different to hyperline fx tube, which is only convoluted on the outer surface).
We offer Bioflex Ultra.Bioflex Ultra is Aflexs flagship product for users in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. The patented PTFE liner design provides a smooth bore (for clean, non-turbulent flow) and a convoluted outer (for flexibility and kink resistance).
we offer Pharmaline N.Pharmaline N and X are designed and developed to provide a high purity, kink resistant PTFE hose product that meets the demands of the Pharmaceutical and Biotech markets.
We offer Pharmaline X. Pharmaline N and X share the same smoothbore inside convoluted outside liner, with a 316 helical wire wound into the convolutions. Pharmaline N has a 316 stainless steel braid and a white platinum cured silicone outer cover and Pharmaline X has no braid and a clear platinum cured silicone outer cover.
Smoothbore hose is widely used in automotive and general purpose applications wherever high temperature resistance, very low expanssion rates and resistance to internal fuels, oils or other fluids are required.