Our Product / Services
Medicines Tonics And Drugs
2 Products availableFresh, Organic & Preserved Vegetables
2 Products availableAnimal Feed
2 Products availableGlass Gem Stone & Other Beads
2 Products availableBird, Poultry & Animal Food
2 Products availableBusiness And Corporate Gifts
2 Products available
Animals farm supplies and exports livestock and dairy products. The company was established in 1993 and has become one of the world’s biggest importer/exporters in cattle, horse, goat,swine, poultry, feed and sheep. Animals farm operates all around the globe, in scotland and england as its foundation.
Making use of a worldwide network of support bases allows us to be a global and independent partner for buying and selling livestock and dairy products. Our staff is our most important business capital; they possess the wide knowledge and expertise our clients need the most.
Animals farm also oversees the entire transport process: from selection to delivery to the final customer. In this, we of course take factors into account such as legislation, animal welfare, customs procedures and taxes.
We have our own export stables in which traded cattle is cared for by our staff and readied for transport. Animals farm own vehicles guarantee smooth, high-quality logistics, in which animal welfare comes first.
From animal selection in the country of origin to good after sales and follow-up care: animals farm offers a unique total solution. We can do so because of a broad service package and by closely working together with farmers, traders and other stakeholders.
With a close, international team of professional employees, we guarantee quality, service and commitment.
Sales Manager/Marketer : Skype: animalsfarms
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