We offer a complete product range of Custom Designed Brushes, Helical Brushes, Single Ring Brushes, Strip Brushes and Hand Drawn Brushes
Custom Designed Brushes
Benthams offer a one-stop total-solution service encompassing consultancy, design, prototyping, engineering and manufacturing. This approach enables us to be highly competitive in quotations and tenders, especially in the case of bespoke purpose-designed units, prototypes and specialist brush products.
Our brush strip is available in six sizes, (measuring across the base) we have 2.5mm. 4mm, 5mm, 6mm, 8mm and 11mm with filament sizes from 0.15mm to 3mm depending on the size of strip required. The choice of backing strip is either galvanised mild steel or 304 and 316 stainless steel, the application of the brush strip usually dictates which materials to use.
We offer hand drawn brushes. Hand drawn brushes offer an alternative to brush strip or punched in brushes, the main reason for hand drawn brushes is when the filament is required to stay in the brush and not fall away or come out. With hand drawn brushes we are not limited to a width of brush, for example we can supply a brush that is 3 metres long by 1 metre wide and a filament length of 400mm. We fix in the filament using a continuous wire that in effect stitches the filament in place.
We offer Punched in Brushes. This offers an alternative to brush strip and hand drawing, Punched in or 'punched knot' brushes are used when a low density of filament is required. With Punched knot we can do flat pads or rollers and we are not limited to a width of brush, for example we can supply a brush that is 3 metres long by 1 metre wide and a filament length of 400mm.
Our helical brush rollers are available in 4 sizes, ( measuring across the base) we have 5mm, 6mm, 8mm and 11mm with filament sizes from 0.15mm to 3mm depending on the size of strip required. The choice of backing strip is either galvansied mild steel, 316 or 304 stainless steel, the application of the brush dictates which materials to use.
Single ring brushes offer an alternative to wrapping brush coil around a shaft or Punch knot rollers. These are used predominantly for road sweeping but can also be used in other applications where the shaft needs new brushes on site and quickly, A special shaft is needed as each ring has a locating peg that matches up with a groove on the shaft to stop the ring from spinning round the shaft.