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Feedwater Ltd

Feedwater Ltd
location United Kingdom

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We are leaders in the market for providing best range of Cooling Water Treatment Products, Sludge Conditioners, Polymers and Tannins

Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals

We are offering boiler water treatment chemicals, alkalinity builders, sludge conditioners etc.feedwater manufactures and supplies a range of high quality boiler water treatment chemicals for uk and export customers. -- polymer sludge conditioners --polyshield 200 - fda approved sludge conditionerpolyshield 300 - dual polymer sludge conditioner for maximum performance particularly good at removing old boiler scalepolyshield 546 - high performance fda approved sludge conditioner--alkalinity builders--alkbuild - a liquid alkalinity builder (fda approved)corroban 30 - a combined alkalinity builder and polymer sludge conditioner (fda approved)

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Packaging Details : 25kg Drums
200ltr Drums
1000ltr IBCs

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Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals, Multi Use Boiler Chemicals

We are offering boiler water treatment chemicals, multi use boiler chemicals etc. Phosphate treatments are used in low pressure boilers to help prevent scale formation and in high pressure boilers as ph control agents. When used to prevent scale formation, they should be used in conjunction with a polymer sludge conditioner. Corroban 64 - phosphate/polymer blend (fda)corroban 65 - high polymer/phosphate blend (fda approved)corroban 66 - phosphate/polymer blend (not fda approved)corroban 68 - phosphate ph control agent for high pressure boilerswaterguard p - liquid phosphate treatment (no polymer, fda approved)--multifunctional boiler water chemicals--this range of chemicals are all in one boiler treatments which incorporate a boiler water oxygen scavenger, alkalinity builder, polymer sludge conditioner and, where appropriate, a phosphate treatment. They are matched to the feed water quality to ensure that the correct boiler water chemistry is achieved. Polytan chemicals and multifunctional tannin treatment chemicalscorroban 24 - multifunctional sulphite, alkali, phosphate, polymer blend (fda approved)corroban 28 - phosphate-free multifunctional alkaline, sulfite, sludge conditioner (fda approved)corroban awt 185 - ph neutral multifunctional sodium sulfite, polymer, phosphate blend (fda approved)--steam condensate line treatment chemicals--when steam condenses, it can absorb oxygen and carbon dioxide which can cause rapid and costly corrosion of the condensate return lines. In order to control this corrosion, steam-volatile amines can be used to neutralise the acidity or form a protective film on the pipework. Amine x - concentrated single neutralising amine (fda approved for some food applications)amine c20 - low cost neutralising amine (fda approved for some food applications)amine n - blend of 3 neutralising amines with different distribution ratios, to protect the nearest and furthest parts of the steam linesamine t - combined neutralising and filming amine

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Packaging Details : 25kg Drums
200Ltr Drums
1000Ltr IBCs

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Cooling Water Treatment Products

We are offering cooling water treatment products etc. Our comprehensive range of corrosion and scale inhibitors are selected to match the water chemistry, system metallurgy and operating conditions in order to provide maximum protection. Coolguard products are multi-functional formulations incorporating threshold agents, multi-metal corrosion inhibitors and polymer dispersants as standard. They designed to be as forgiving as possible and provide simple but effective control across a broad range of applications. coolguard 185x multi-functional cooling water scale inhibitor and corrosion inhibitor for harder waterscoolguard 364 phosphate based soft water cooling water corrosion inhibitor for severe service conditionscoolguard 401 novel alkaline zinc based cooling tower corrosion inhibitor for softer cooling waterscoolguard 501 synergised silicate based corrosion inhibitor for moderate hardness applicationscoolguard 815 high strength cooling tower scale inhibitor for harder waterscoolguard 821 molybdate based scale and corrosion inhibitorour bromgard products combine the multi-functional performance of the coolguard range with a bromine pre-cursor and bio-dispersant. Dosed in conjunction with bromgard activator they provide not only scale and corrosion inhibition but exceptional microbial control in a simple, easy to control package. Bromgard 320 phosphate based for severe service low hardness conditionsbromgard 420 zinc based for low hardness applicationsbromgard 810 - multi-functional scale and corrosion inhibitor for harder watersbromgard 2850 high strength inhibitor for harder waters

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Packaging Details : 10-25KG Drums
200Ltr Drums
1000Ltr IBCs

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Cooling Water Treatment Chemicals

We are offering Cooling Water Treatment Chemicals etc. Our comprehensive range of cooling water biocides includes oxidisers and non-oxidisers as well as bio-dispersants to tackle the most troublesome microbial problems. Activ-Ox - Chlorine dioxide systemsBromgard Activator Liquid bromine activator for use with Bromgard inhibitorsBiocide BQ Non-foaming polyquat, - broad spectrum, giving excellent algae control. Also suitable for swimming pools and fountains. Biocide BR Bromine release cooling water biocide tablets. Biocide DA Diamine acetate broad spectrum microbiocide. Biocide ITA Broad spectrum cooling tower biocide based on a blend of isothiazolinsBiocide PS THPS based biocide with an excellent environmental profileBiocide RO Fast acting microbiocide based on DBNPA. Biosperse 100 Cooling water biodispersant for use with halogens and non-oxidisersFeedbrom Bromine pre-cursor and cooling tower biodispersant (use with Feedchlor or Bromgard Activator)Feedchlor Stabilised liquid chlorine donorSupersperse High strength bio and oil dispersant

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Packaging Details : 10-25KG Drums
200Ltr Drums
1000Ltr IBCs

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Boiler Water Treatment Chemicals - (oxygen Scavengers)

We are offering boiler water treatment chemicals - (oxygen scavengers) etc. A chemical oxygen scavenger is used to remove the residual oxygen from the boiler feed water in order to protect not only the boiler but also control corrosion in the hotwell (or feed tank) and the condensate return lines. our selection is as follows: corroban 25 - fda-approved partially neutralised sodium sulfite (uncatalysed and also suitable for chlorine removal in drinking water and ro make-up) corroban 26 - fda-approved partially neutralised sodium suphite oxygen scavenger (catalysed) corroban 27 - fda-approved highly concentrated sulphite for maximum cost effectiveness we also supply a range of tannin oxygen scavengers as an alternative to sulphite or sulfite chemicals for low pressure steam applications. boilertan 4 a liquid tannin oxygen scavenger which is a direct replacement for dm 4 in 1polytan 4f a mildly alkaline multifunctional tannin chemical incorporating two polymer sludge conditioners. Polytan 4c a strongly alkaline multifunctional tannin chemical incorporating two polymer sludge conditioners. Polytan 8f a highly concentrated liquid tannin treatment incorporating a polymer sludge conditioner (fda approved)

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Packaging Details : 25kg Drums
200Ltr Drums
1000ltr IBC

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Chlorine Dioxide, Dosing System

  • Min. Order (MOQ) 1 Kilogram
  • 3 Different sized units available Various strength Activ Ox chemicals available
  • Bespoke design for your application Extra's include Chemical Low level alarm and telemetry
We are offering activ-ox instant chlorine dioxide dosing system. Activ-ox is feedwater's patented chlorine dioxide technology, activ-ox releases chlorine dioxide instantly and in solution with a yield exceeding 95% meaning it is far higher in efficiency than all it's competitors. With the use of weak fda approved acids the system is safe and produces no gas instead creating its chlorine dioxide yield directly in solution unlike other products with generate and store toxic gas in a chamber before releasing into the water stream every few hours. we invite you to view our new video on activ-ox to demonstrate just how superior and effective activ-ox. activ-ox is a patented product of feedwater ltd uk and sold worldwide. Licencing opportunities may be available in your region. Contact us for more information.
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Sludge Conditioners

We are offering boiler water treatment chemicals, alkalinity builders, sludge conditioners etc.feedwater manufactures and supplies a range of high quality boiler water treatment chemicals for uk and export customers. -- polymer sludge conditioners --polyshield 200 - fda approved sludge conditionerpolyshield 300 - dual polymer sludge conditioner for maximum performance particularly good at removing old boiler scalepolyshield 546 - high performance fda approved sludge conditioner--alkalinity builders--alkbuild - a liquid alkalinity builder (fda approved)corroban 30 - a combined alkalinity builder and polymer sludge conditioner (fda approved)
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