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1 Products availableBee Tools
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1 Products availableOlive Oil
1 Products availableWe are traditional bee keepers back home GREECE that we produce 100%pure pine honey and pine blossom honey with very low natural sugars.our bees they haven't been fed with sugars or syrups. our honey and bee pollen they going to american college of agricaltural in Thessaloniki for sugar level tests every time we coLlect it.also we do have other bee keepers under our supervision who produce on the same way as we do and they get the tests by the university.Our aim is to produce 100% healthy natural honey with all the vitamins and minerals without any additives.also we are looking on the level of sugars ,so it could be used from diabetics type2 instead of refinery sugar.ALL OUR PRODUCTS ARE NATURAL WITHOUT ANY CHEMICALS INVOLVED.
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