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Our Products

Cocoa Beans

Our expertise lies in exporting and supplying of Cocoa Beans in United Kingdom. Our strong collaboration with top-notch vendors enables us to present a qualitative array of Cocoa Beans at feasible rates. Available in different packaging options, our Cocoa Beans are of unmatched standards. One can get them at reasonable rates, from us.


More about Cocoa Beans :

  • Theobroma cacao L. (cocoa) is in the family Sterculiaceae. It is a semi-deciduous tree up to a height of 10m. It produces Cocoa bean which is the sun-dried and fully fermented fatty seed, from which cocoa solids and cocoa butter are extracted.
  • The cacao tree is evergreen with large, glossy leaves that are red when young and green when mature. Each tree sprouts thousands of tiny waxy pink or white five-petal blossoms that cluster together on the trunk and older branches. But, only three to ten percent will go on to mature into full fruit.
  • Growers in Uganda have found it takes on average two and a half years for the trees to be fully grown and in the third year the pods appear. They go green first, then turn purple and then yellow that is when they can be picked.
  • In Uganda, it is common practice to plant a cocoa seed next to a banana plant as the banana plant makes very good shade for the cocoa, as the cocoa must be grown under the shade from the sun.
  • A cocoa pod (fruit) has a rough leathery rind about 3 cm thick (this varies with the origin and variety of pod). It is filled with sweet, mucilaginous pulp enclosing 30 to 50 large seeds that are fairly soft and pale pink or lavender in colour. Seeds usually are white, becoming violet or reddish brown during the drying process. The exception is rare varieties of white cacao, in which the seeds remain white.
  • Origination - Cacao trees will grow in a limited geographical zone, of approximately 20 degrees to the north and south of the Equator. Nearly 70% of the world crop is grown in West Africa. There are three main types of cacao beans used to make cocoa and chocolate:
  • Criollo, the prince of cacaos, is a soft thin-skinned pod, with a light colour and a unique, pleasant aroma. The most prized, rare, and expensive of the cocoa beans used by the Maya. Only 10% of chocolate is made from Criollo, which is less bitter and more aromatic than any other bean.
  • Forastero, a more plentiful type, is easier to cultivate, trees are significantly hardier resulting in cheaper cacao beans and has a thick-walled pod and a pungent aroma. 80% of chocolate is made using this bean.
  • Trinitario, which is believed to be a natural cross from strains of the other two types, has a great variety of characteristics but generally possesses good, aromatic flavour; and these trees are particularly suitable for cultivation and used in about 10% of chocolate.
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Arabica Coffee Beans

We have in our store a high class array of Arabica Coffee Beans that features rich aroma, delectable taste and reasonable prices. We are reckoned as Exporter and Supplier of Arabica Coffee Beans based in United Kingdom. We procure them from the certified vendors who guarantee us for their quality. In line with divisive demands across the globe, we proffer them out in tailored packaging options.


More about Arabica Coffee Beans :

  • Arabica coffee was introduced to Uganda at the beginning of the 1900’s, its origins said to be Arabian, hence the name. Robusta coffee is indigenous to Uganda, and has been a part of Ugandan life for centuries. The difference between the two varieties is their taste:
  • Arabica coffee has a smooth taste with a strong aroma. The seed is tetrapoid, meaning it’s a self-pollinating plant. Coffea arabica has two botanical cultivars, Typica and Bourbon – Uganda grows Typica. The varietal is Kent. (The two terms refer to a specific variety of the coffee species/trees and the botanical family of its origin). Arabica coffee dominates the world market and is regarded by most people as producing the highest quality beans.
  • Robusta coffee refers to any varieties of coffee canephora. The brand is distinguished by its taxonomy content or high caffeine content, normally twice the content of Arabica, good for espresso blending to increase body and crema content.
  • Coffee is one of the most important cash crops in Uganda playing a major role in the livelihoods of many poor people and is a major foreign exchange earner in Uganda. Ugandan coffee has a sweet aroma that is used to produce many varieties of coffee which include the Italian cappuccino, much in demand, and has a very good intrinsic quality due to high altitude, soils and farming systems not easily found elsewhere in the world
  • Coffee berries, containing the coffee seeds or “beans”, are produced by several species of the small evergreen bush. The two most commonly grown are the highly regarded Coffea arabica, and the “robusta” form of the hardier Coffea canephor. Once ripe, coffee berries can be picked, processed, dried then roasted to varying degrees, depending on the desired flavour. They are then ground and brewed to create coffee.

Production Information :

  • Farmers in Uganda use mainly the low input system and households strongly rely on family labour for production. Coffee is mostly grown in mixed farms where it is intercropped with food crops such as bananas and beans which ensure households’ food security. It is also grown among shade trees that result into sustainable coffee production, while ensuring a social, economic and suitable environment that requires a minimal use of agro-chemicals such as fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides – this practice has made Uganda a suitable country for organic coffee production. The government agency responsible for the sector, the Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA), estimates that about 500, 000 households currently depend on coffee production. Annual production is made up of approximately 15% Arabica and 85% Robusta.
  • Coffee is mostly grown in mixed farms where it is intercropped with food crops such as bananas and beans which ensure households’ food security. It is also grown among shade trees that result into sustainable coffee production, while ensuring a social, economic and suitable environment that requires a minimal use of agro-chemicals such as fertilizers, pesticides and fungicides. Cheap labour available in Uganda enhances great opportunities for investment in the coffee sector.
  • There are two main harvest seasons in Uganda for both Arabica and Robusta coffee (March-June and September-November). The main production season for Robusta ranges May-August for Masaka and Western regions and November to February for Central, Eastern regions. In the case of Arabica, the main seasons are April-June for Western Region and October-February for Eastern and West Nile Regions.

History of Coffee :

  • Wild coffee’s energizing effect was likely first discovered in the northeast region of Ethiopia. Coffee cultivation first took place in southern Arabia; the earliest credible evidence of coffee drinking appears in the middle of the 15th century in the Sufi shrines of Yemen. From the Muslim world, coffee consumption and cultivation spread to India, to Italy, and on to the rest of Europe, Indonesia and the Americas.
  • According to legend, human cultivation of coffee began after goats in Ethiopia were seen mounting each other after eating the leaves and fruits of the coffee tree. However, in Ethiopia there are still some locales where people drink a tisane made from the leaves of the coffee tree.
  • In East Africa and Yemen, coffee was used in native religious ceremonies that competed with the Christian Church. As a result, the Ethiopian Church banned its secular consumption until the reign of Emperor Menelik II of Ethiopia. The beverage was also banned in Ottoman Turkey during the 17th century for political reasons and was associated with rebellious political activities in Europe.
  • The first written record of coffee made from roasted coffee beans comes from Arabian scholars who wrote that it was useful in prolonging their working hours. The Arab innovation in Yemen of making a brew from roasted beans, spread first among the Egyptians and Turks, and later on found its way around the world.
  • An important export commodity, coffee was the top agricultural export for twelve countries in 2004, and it was the world’s seventh-largest legal agricultural export by value in 2005. Some controversy is associated with coffee cultivation and its impact on the environment. Consequently, organic coffee is an expanding market. Today coffee is a leading commodity in world trade. At the other end of the chain, it’s a different story. Beans are still usually picked by hand; labour is high and income low.
  • Arabica Coffea - arabica was originally grown in the mountains of Yemen in the Arabian Peninsula, hence its name and also grown in the Southwestern highlands of Ethiopia and Southeastern Sudan. Cultivated in Uganda for nearly a century, Arabica coffee is primarily grown in three areas of the country which boast higher altitudes: the Eastern Mbale/Sebei district which borders Kenya, the West Nile region, and the far West of Uganda on the borders of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
  • Arabica coffee is more competitive on the international market because of its superior quality. There is a new variety known locally as Tuzza – more commonly referred to as Catimor – which performs well in low altitude areas of the country predominantly zoned for Robusta coffee, (1, 200-1, 500 m). This variety is known for its high yielding capabilities, drought resistance and tolerance to diseases presenting a very attractive opportunity for investment.

Types of Arabica and growing areas : Three types of Arabica of varying grades are available -

  • Type 1 : Bugisu Washed Arabica is the most renowned of the Ugandan Arabicas. Grown in and around Mbale on the slopes of the Elgon Mountain range, this coffee compares very favourably with other East African high grown coffees. Named after the tribe who farm these slopes, Bugisu coffee is processed prior to export and the clean coffee is separated into three main grades, classified by bean size: Bugisu AA, Bugisu AB and Bugisu Peaberry.
  • Type 2 : Wugar (Okoro Washed Arabica) is grown in the West Nile Region of Uganda, at an altitude ranging from 1, 450 to 1, 800 metres. This is a newly marketed coffee which has already established a brand name and continues to improve. Unlike Bugisu, Wugar is marketed in a Fair Average Quality (FAQ) form. “Fair Average Quality” is a term used to describe unsorted, and sometimes uncleaned, coffee from the huller, when it is marketed locally as beans.
  • Type 3 : Drugar, the third and final Arabica coffee from Kawacom, is unwashed and originates from the Western regions of Uganda, bordering the Democratic Republic of Congo. It is a hard Arabica, grown on the slopes of the Rwenzori Mountains (the Mountains of the Moon). The varying altitudes of cultivation (between 1, 400 – 1, 800 metres) give Drugar (Dry Ugandan Arabica) supremacy over other East African hard Arabicas.

RobustaCoffee - 

  • Canephora or coffea robusta, more commonly known as Robusta, is a variety of coffee which has its origins in central and western sub-Saharan Africa. It is a species of flowering plant in the Rubiaceae family which has two main varieties – Robusta and Nganda.
  • The Robusta strain was first collected in 1890 from the Lomani River, a tributary of the Congo River, and was conveyed from Zaire to Brussels to Java around 1900. From Java, further breeding resulted in the establishment of Robusta plantations in many countries. Robusta is less susceptible to disease than Coffea arabica and can be cultivated in lower altitudes and warmer climates where Arabica will not thrive. In particular the spread of the devastating coffee leaf rust (Hemileia vastatrix), to which Arabica is vulnerable, hastened the uptake of the resistant Robusta. Coffee leaf rust is found in virtually all countries that produce coffee.
  • The plant has a shallow root system and grows as a tree or shrub to about 10 metres. It flowers irregularly, taking about 10–11 months for cherries to ripen, producing oval shaped beans. The Robusta plant has a greater crop yield than that of Coffea arabica, and contains more caffeine – 2.7% compared to Arabica’s 1.5%. As it is less susceptible to pests and disease, Robusta needs less in the way of herbicides and pesticides than Arabica.
  • Robusta is easier to care for and therefore is cheaper to produce. Roasted Robusta beans produce a strong, full-bodied coffee with a distinctive earthy flavour, but usually with more bitterness than Arabica due to its pyrazine organic compound. Since Arabica beans have a smoother taste with a richer flavour, they are often considered superior, while the harsher Robusta beans are mostly used as filler in lower-grade coffee blends. For these reasons, about three-quarters of coffee cultivated worldwide is Arabica. However, the powerful flavour can be desirable in a blend to give it perceived “strength” and “finish”, noticeably in Italian coffee culture. Good quality Robusta beans are used in traditional Italian espresso blends, to provide a full-bodied taste and a better foam head (known as “crema”). Approximately 20% of the coffee produced in the world is Robusta.


Origination :

  • Originating in upland forests in Ethiopia, Coffea canephora grows indigenously in Western and Central Africa. It was not recognized as a species of coffea until the 19th century, about a hundred years after coffea arabica.

  • Robusta coffee is grown in the low altitude areas of Central, Eastern, Western and South Eastern Uganda up to 1, 200 metres above sea level. Ugandan Robusta has intrinsic quality attributes which attract a premium on the international coffee market.
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White Maize

Buyers can consider our name, if seeking for nutritive and fresh White Maize. We manage a large stock at our spacious warehouse to meet urgent and voluminous orders at a time. We are United Kingdom based Exporter and Supplier. Over the years, we have become the primary choice of the buyers owing to our cost effective and time-bound deliveries.


More about White Maize :

  • Maize (Zea mays L) is one of the world's important cereal crops. In East Africa, the crop is a major staple food for a large proportion of the population, in addition to being an important animal feed. The importance of maize is centred on the large quantity of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and fats, contained in the kernels, making it compare favourably as an energy source with root and tuber crops.
  • In Uganda, an average of 1.5 tonnes of maize per hectare is produced. Most of this maize, in addition to being eaten directly as food, supports the local brewery industry, where flour is fermented to produce many local brews.
  • Maize is eaten on cobs, which are either cooked or roasted. Maize flour is also used to prepare a local paste called posho, demand for which is on the increase. Posho is now increasingly served in hotels and restaurants in several urban centres including Kampala City. Maize flour is also used in making porridge for breakfast in many homes in urban areas while the maize itself is used in the manufacture of feeds for livestock.
  • The maize crop in Africa is white maize – White Maize is not consumed in the whole of East Africa. White Maize can be grown in Africa as the crop grows in similar conditions as those for white maize, but there is no local market for it.
  • Contribution to nutrition and food security - Maize is the third most important cereal crop after sorghum and millet in Uganda. Maize is gradually becoming a very important cereal in Uganda in terms of area under cultivation, production and human consumption. In an average year, maize acreage accounts for about 10% of the total area under annual crops and maize consumption accounts for about 12% of cereals consumption.
  • Maize is widely grown throughout Uganda, but the main areas are the fertile crescents around the northern periphery of Lake Victoria, the higher altitude areas mostly along the borders, and other fertile areas in the eastern, western and northern districts. Demand for maize has been increasing probably at the expense of other cereals. In Uganda maize is a new social innovation in urban areas (and labour camps) where it has been found to be relatively inexpensive and easily prepared.
  • In East and Southern Africa, maize accounts for 50% or more of the calories provided by starchy staples in 8 countries (more than 80% of staple calories in Malawi and Zambia) and in many areas it completely dominates the cropping systems of small scale farmers.
  • Post-production chain for maize - Small holders using hand tools and little or no purchased inputs mainly produce maize. The low level of technology used in production means that the yields are low and the production process is aimed mainly at providing subsistence requirements with very little surplus for sale. Maize yields are still low averaging about 1.3 tonnes per hectare as compared to the yield potential of about 3-4 tonnes per hectare. Low yields are attributed to low use of technology, heavy reliance on natural conditions, traditional production systems e.g. use of farm saved seed and rudimentary tools.
  • Losses of maize occur throughout the post harvest system i.e. harvesting, storing and processing right up to consumption. Harvesting is manually done using either hand/finger knife, panga or dislodging cobs from the main plant. The harvest is then carried home where drying is done on bare ground.
  • The most common traditional practice of drying involves leaving cobs to dry on the mother plant in the field; stocking harvested crop in the field, spreading the crop on well levelled bare ground, stabilised ground. Drying is solely dependent on sunshine, and hence limited to only daytime and non-rainy periods.
  • The grain for consumption or storage is prepared by shelling. Traditionally shelling is done by either, prising the grain off the cob with the thumbs, rubbing two cobs together holding one in each hand or beating the cobs in a sack with a stick. The above methods are labour intensive, time consuming and wasteful. Furthermore, beating breaks the grain and reduces seed viability.
  • The grain is then milled into flour and made into a paste called posho. Maize is stored in many smaller containers at the household level for later consumption. These include gunny bags (by far the most common), gourds, clay pots, mud/straw compartments, woven reed/straw baskets, metal/plastic containers, basins and drums.
  • Maize is stored either in the unshelled or shelled form. Those who store it in the unshelled form claim that insect damage is reduced, whilst those who store it in the shelled form, do so to ease the application of insecticides in order to prevent insect damage. Early sales are made for cash and for fear of insect and rodent damage.
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Sorghum Seeds

Another variety that we bring to our global buyers is Sorghum Seeds! Fine quality, long shelf stability and cost effectiveness are few words that better describe our Sorghum Seeds. Being a client centric firm, we make them available in different packaging sizes. We are a United Kingdom based Exporter and Supplier of Sorghum Seeds and promise to make timely deliveries of placed orders.


More about Sorghum Seeds :

  • Sorghum is one of the top cereal crops in the world, along with wheat, oats, corn, rice, and barley. Originally cultivated in Egypt in antiquity; the largest producers of sorghum in the modern era are still in Africa, although the crop has spread to southern Asia and the Americas as well. An annual grass that is extremely drought tolerant, sorghum is an excellent choice for arid and dry areas. Sorghum has the ability to adapt to weather extremes and is a very stable source of nutrition as a result. It is most commonly red and hard when ripe and is usually dried after harvesting for longevity, as the grains are stored whole.
  • Sorghum is a type of grain that is commonly grown in warm regions. It can be eaten as porridge or turned into flour and baked into breads and cakes. Sorghum is significantly more nutritionally dense than ordinary white flour. Some sweeter varieties of sorghum can also be used to create a molasses like syrup.
  • Versatility - Sorghum is an extremely versatile plant – these are just some of the uses for it :
    • Sorghum molasses
    • Snacks
    • Cereals
    • Bio fuels
    • Animal feed
    • Beverages
    • Pigments for food, cosmetics and other applications
    • Biodegradable packaging
    • Straw can be used for furniture, cabinetry, interior design elements, wall coverings
    • Flour
    • Brewing


Health Benefits of Sorghum

  • The whole sorghum grain consists largely of carbohydrates, but it also boasts plenty of good protein, plenty of vitamins and minerals, very little fat and a miniscule amount of saturated fat, with little sodium and zero cholesterol. The rest of the grain is fibre. Sorghum supplies a lot of phosphorus, iron and potassium, significant amounts of magnesium and calcium, and even some zinc. A cup of sorghum also supplies significant proportions of the RDA of several important B vitamins – thiamine, niacin and riboflavin.
  • Sorghum is favoured by the gluten intolerant and is often cooked as porridge to be eaten alongside other foods. The grain is fairly neutral in flavour, and sometimes slightly sweet. This makes it well adapted to a variety of dishes, because, like tofu, sorghum absorbs flavours well. It can also be eaten plain.
  • This grain is commonly eaten with the hull, which retains the majority of the nutrients. The plant is very high in fibre and iron, with a fairly high protein level as well. This makes it well suited to its use as a staple starch in much of the developing world.
  • Brewing - The grain is also used around the world to brew beers. In South Africa, sorghum is used to make beer, while in China it is used in the making of distilled beverages like kaoliang and maotai. Compared to sorghum, the cost of large-scale brewing of barley is costly – in some countries sorghum is substituted for barley in the brewing process.
  • Sorghum beer is one of the most popular drinks amongst health-conscious drinkers and is known as bil-bil in Cameroon, burukuto in Nigeria, pombe in East Africa and bjala in North Sotho. The first sorghum beer to be produced and marketed throughout the United States was Redbridge.
  • Sorghum Syrup - Another type of sorghum, sweet sorghum, is grown for the manufacture of syrup. In the case of sweet sorghum, the stalks of the plant are harvested, rather than the seeds, and crushed like sugar cane or beets to produce sorghum syrup. After crushing, the syrup is cooked down to concentrate the natural sugars and packaged for sale.
  • Sorghum syrup and hot biscuits are a traditional breakfast in the Southern United States. Sorghum syrup is also used on pancakes, cornmeal mush, grits and other hot cereals. It can be used as a cooking ingredient with similar effects as molasses. Despite the fact that the nutritional content of sorghum syrup is relatively high, blackstrap molasses provide far more nutrients.
  • In the U.S. since the 1950s, sorghum has been raised primarily for forage and silage, with sorghum cultivation for cattle feed concentrated in the Great Plains (Texas, Kansas, and Nebraska are the leading producers), where insufficient rainfall and high temperature make corn production unprofitable.
  • Sweet sorghum syrup is called “molasses” or “sorghum molasses” in some regions of the U.S., but the term molasses more properly refers to a different, sweet syrup, made as a by-product of sugarcane or sugar beet sugar extraction.
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Cassava Chips

Owing to our strong tie-ups and rich industry knowledge, we bring Cassava Chips to our global buyers. Cassava Chips that we bring are sourced from the certified vendors who hold expertise in this field. Being a client centric firm, we make available our Cassava Chips in numerous packaging standards and that too at feasible rates. We are renowned Exporter and Supplier of Cassava Chips in United Kingdom.

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Printed Packaging Box

Our company is amid the A-listed firms, engrossed in exporting and supplying of Rice in United Kingdom. Loaded with nutritive and qualitative properties, our Rice is of unparalleled standards. We make it available in different packaging standards to meet diverse demands of the buyers. Interested buyers can contact us for purchasing it at discounted rates.

More about Rice :

  • Rice (Rice) is a member of the grass family, one of the three most important food crops in the world, forming the staple diet of 2.7 billion people. There are three main types: Indica (long grain), Japonica (short grain) and Javanica, which falls somewhere between the other two. Japonica rice varieties are high yielding and tend to be resistant to disease. Javanica types of rice fall between Japonica and Indica varieties in terms of yield, use, and hardiness. Although quite hardy, Indica yield less than japonica types and are most often grown in the tropics.
  • The variety grown in Africa is long grain, or Indica, with two modes of cultivation: upland, grown without benefit of irrigation, and the wetter, irrigated version more commonly known as Basmati. As the upland cultivation is dependent on the weather, it's also more prone to failure through drought.
  • The length of long-grain rice is four to five times that of its width. There are both white and brown varieties of long-grain rice, which, when cooked, produce light, dry grains that separate easily.
  • Production - When the rice has been harvested, it comes to the processing plant still in the husks and is put into storage silos. From the silos the rice goes into the rice-feeder which feeds the rice to the prewasher to wash the rice, then the outer coat is removed before it goes then to be graded. If the topcoat has not been removed properly it goes back to be removed and then back to be graded.
  • Once the rice has been graded the husks are then removed in the milling machines, then it goes to the polishing machine, and from the polishing machine it goes to a sorter to remove any broken rice, then the rice goes to be bagged and then boxed. The process from beginning to end is done without any form of human contact, keeping the whole process sterile.
  • Our rice is produced to international standards, meaning it is ready to be exported to the international market.

History of rice :

  • The commonly accepted view is that rice was first domesticated in the region of the Yangtze River valley in China some 12, 000 years ago, although Korean archaeologists claimed to have discovered the world's oldest domesticated rice in 2003 – their 15, 000 year old age challenged this view. In 2011, a combined effort by the Stanford University, New York University, Washington University in St. Louis, and Purdue University has provided the strongest evidence yet that there is only one single origin of domesticated rice, in the Yangtze Valley of China.
  • The earliest remains of the grain in the Indian subcontinent have been found in the Indo-Gangetic Plain and date from 7000–6000 BC though the earliest widely accepted date for cultivated rice is placed at around 3000–2500 BC with findings in regions belonging to the Indus Valley Civilization. African rice has been cultivated for 3, 500 years. Between 1500 and 800 BC, Oryza glaberrima propagated from its original centre, the Niger River delta, and extended to Senegal. However, it never developed far from its original region. Its cultivation even declined in favour of the Asian species, which was introduced to East Africa early in the common era and spread westward. African rice helped Africa conquer its famine of 1203.
  • The Moors brought Asiatic rice to the Iberian Peninsula in the 10th century. Records indicate it was grown in Valencia and Majorca. In Majorca, rice cultivation seems to have stopped after the Christian conquest, although historians are not certain. Muslims also brought rice to Sicily, where it was an important crop long before it is noted in the plain of Pisa (1468) or in the Lombard plain (1475), where its cultivation was promoted by Ludovico Sforza, Duke of Milan, and demonstrated in his model farms. After the 15th century, rice spread throughout Italy and then France, later propagating to all the continents during the age of European exploration.
  • Rice is not native to the Americas but was introduced to Latin America and the Caribbean by European colonizers at an early date with Spanish colonizers introducing Asian rice to Mexico in the 1520s at Veracruz and the Portuguese and their African slaves introducing it at about the same time to Colonial Brazil. Varieties of rice and bean dishes that were a staple dish along the peoples of West Africa remained a staple among their descendants subjected to slavery in the Spanish New World colonies, Brazil and elsewhere in the Americas.
  • In 1694, rice arrived in South Carolina, probably originating from Madagascar. In the United States, colonial South Carolina and Georgia grew and amassed great wealth from slave labour obtained from West Africa because of their prior knowledge of rice culture, which was put to use on the many rice plantations around Georgetown, Charleston, and Savannah. Rice in the Southeastern U.S. became less profitable with the loss of slave labour after the American Civil War, finally dying out just after the turn of the 20th century. In the Southern US, rice has been grown in southern Arkansas, Louisiana, and east Texas since the mid-19th century. Many Cajun farmers grew rice in wet marshes and low-lying prairies where they could also farm crayfish when the fields were flooded. In recent years rice production has risen in North America, especially in the Mississippi River Delta areas in the states of Arkansas and Mississippi as well as in California, where cultivation began during the California Gold Rush, when an estimated 40, 000 Chinese labourers immigrated to the state and grew small amounts of the grain for their own consumption. Commercial production began only in 1912. By 2006, California produced the second largest rice crop in the United States, after Arkansas. More than 100 varieties of rice are commercially produced primarily in six states (Arkansas, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and California) in the U.S.

Long grain :

  • Long grain known locally as Upland rice is also known as ‘Ghaiya rice’, well known for its drought tolerance, important because unlike most varieties of rice, Upland rice is rice grown on dry soil.
  • Upland rice is grown in rain fed fields prepared and seeded when dry, much like wheat or maize. The ecosystem is extremely diverse, including fields that are level, gently rolling or steep, at altitudes up to 2, 000 metres and with rainfall ranging from 1, 000 to 4, 500 mm annually. Soils range from highly fertile to highly weathered, infertile and acidic, but only 15 percent of total upland rice grows where soils are fertile and the growing season is long.
  • In recent times, researchers have helped improve upland rice crops by producing cultivars adapted to poor soils, and with improved blast resistance and drought tolerance. Some have out-yielded traditional rices by more than 100 percent in evaluations. Scientists at national agricultural research systems have crossed these improved rices with local cultivars and farmers are now beginning to grow the progeny. But more improvements are needed to meet the new challenges.
  • Basmati - Basmati literally means the “prince of fragrance” or “the perfumed one” because of the delicate, nutty taste and unique aroma and has been venerated for centuries.
  • Consumption of Basmati by the populations of the Middle Ease, America and Europe have increased steadily and is the main rice variety eaten in the UK, making up almost 50% of the market.
  • Primarily grown in India and its surroundings, but more recently has been introduced into Africa in wetter lowland areas. The variety most well known in Africa is called “Supa” and is grown primarily for its resistance to disease as well as for producing an abundant crop.
  • Aromatic rices have definite aromas and flavours; the most noted cultivars are Thai fragrant rice, Basmati, Patna rice, Vietnamese fragrant rice, and a hybrid cultivar from America, sold under the trade name Texmati. Both Basmati and Texmati have a mild popcorn-like aroma and flavour. In Indonesia, there are also red and black cultivars.
  • High-yield cultivars of rice suitable for cultivation in Africa and other dry ecosystems, called the new rice for Africa (NERICA) cultivars, have been developed. It is hoped that their cultivation will improve food security in West Africa.
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Raw Cashew Nuts

We are highly acknowledged for exporting and supplying a qualitative and a nutritive array of Raw Cashew Nuts. The essence of our Raw Cashew Nuts lies in their freshness and naturalness. Available in varied packaging standards, our Raw Cashew Nuts are of unmatched standards. We let the buyers to acquire our Raw Cashew Nuts at rock bottom prices and assure time-bound deliveries. Rely on us and place orders now!

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