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Our product range contains a wide range of Modern Living DietScan, Asian Diet Scan, Nordic DietScan, FoodScan and Food&DrinkScan Programme

Modern Living DietScan

35,000 /Pack Get Latest Price
Modern Living DietScan The comprehensive Modern Living DietScan analyses your IGG reaction to 160 modern ingredients, providing you with clear results and nutritional support to help you replace your problem foods and optimise your diet. *convenient mail order service so no need to visit our laboratory*expert testing and analysis of IGG antibody reactions to 160 foods and drinks*comprehensive guidebook and 12 week food and drink diary*30 minute telephone consultations with one of our registered nutritional therapists As individuals, our reactions to foods and drinks vary a great deal. An ingredient which may cause problems for one person could be completely acceptable for another. At YorkTest, we like to refer to this as our personal food fingerprint. Discovering and understanding your own personal food and drink intolerances, and the effects they have on your health and wellbeing, is important to ensuring you make the best possible choices to balance your diet. As a society we are more conscious of our diets than ever before. To reflect these healthy eating trends and the wide range of ingredients available in supermarkets today, we have developed the modern living dietscan which tests for 160 of the most prominent ingredients enjoyed by health conscious individuals who wish to optimise their diet.
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Asian Diet Scan

35,000 /Pack Get Latest Price
Asian DietScan The comprehensive Asian DietScan analyses your IgG reaction to 162 foods and drinks, providing you with clear results and nutritional support to help you replace your problem foods and optimise your diet. - Convenient mail order service so no need to visit our laboratory- Expert testing and analysis of IgG antibody reactions to 162 foods and drinks- Comprehensive guidebook and 12 week food and drink diary- 30 minute telephone consultations with one of our BANT registered Nutritional Therapists As individuals, our reactions to foods and drinks vary a great deal. An ingredient which may cause problems for one person could be completely acceptable for another. At YorkTest, we like to refer to this as our personal food fingerprint. Discovering and understanding your own personal food and drink intolerances, and the effects they have on your health and wellbeing, is important to ensuring you make the best possible choices to balance your diet. Although each region has its own distinct cuisine, the distinctively vegetable-rich Asian diet is low in saturated fat and high in vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants. As the incidence of heart disease, obesity and cancer are typically much lower in Asian societies than in Western, many choose to adopt this flavourful diet for health benefits. For followers of this distinctively nutrient-rich, plant and fish-based diet, we have developed the Asian DietScan which tests for reactions to 162 of the most common ingredients found in the Asian diet.
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Nordic DietScan

35,000 /Pack Get Latest Price
Nordic DietScan The comprehensive Nordic DietScan analyses your IgG reaction to 160 foods and drinks, providing you with clear results and nutritional support to help you replace your problem foods and optimise your diet. - Convenient mail order service so no need to visit our laboratory- Expert testing and analysis of IgG antibody reactions to 160 foods and drinks- Comprehensive guidebook and 12 week food and drink diary- 30 minute telephone consultations with one of our BANT registered Nutritional Therapists As individuals, our reactions to foods and drinks vary a great deal. An ingredient which may cause problems for one person could be completely acceptable for another. At YorkTest, we like to refer to this as our personal food fingerprint. Discovering and understanding your own personal food and drink intolerances, and the effects they have on your health and wellbeing, is important to ensuring you make the best possible choices to balance your diet. The Nordic diet is traditionally consumed across Northern Europe and is lower in sugar and fat, and contains twice the fish and fibre of the average Western diet. Rich in berries, legumes, seafood and whole grains, it's a diet which features less red meat and more high quality carbohydrates and low-fat dairy products, and focuses on locally grown produce. For followers of this nutrient rich, plant and fish-based diet, we have developed the Nordic DietScan which tests for reactions to 160 of the most common ingredients found in the Nordic diet.
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27,562.50 /Pack Get Latest Price
The FoodScan Programme analyses your IgG reaction to 113 foods, providing you with clear results and nutritional support to help you replace your problem foods and optimise your diet. Includes: *Convenient mail order service - no need to visit our laboratory*Expert testing and analysis of IgG antibody reactions to 113 foods *Comprehensive guidebook and 12 week food and drink diary*30 minute telephone consultation with one of our registered Nutritional Therapists What to Expect from the FoodScan Programme The YorkTest FoodScan kit contains all you need to take a small blood sample (2-3 drops) in the comfort of your own home. Simply return your sample to our laboratories for expert analysis. Your confidential results and additional support material will be posted to you within 10 days. When you have received your results and are ready, you can contact us to book your appointment with one of our registered Nutritional Therapists. This half hour session will provide you with support and knowledge to assist you in your new diet, ensuring you are confident about the changes you can make to improve your health and wellbeing. YorkTest define Food Intolerance as a food-specific IgG reaction.
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Food&DrinkScan Programme

32,812.50 /Pack Get Latest Price
The Food&DrinkScan Programme analyses your IgG reaction to 158 foods and drinks, providing you with clear results and nutritional support to help you replace your problem foods and optimise your diet. Includes: *convenient mail order service no need to visit our laboratory*expert testing and analysis of IgG antibody reactions to 158 foods and drinks*comprehensive guidebook and 12 week food and drink diary*30 minute telephone consultation with one of our registered nutritional therapists what to expect from the Food&DrinkScan Programme the YorkTest Food&DrinkScan kit contains all you need to take a small blood sample (2 - 3 drops) in the comfort of your own home. Simply return your sample to our laboratories for expert analysis. Your confidential results and additional support material will be posted to you within 10 days. When you have received your results and are ready, you can contact us to book your appointment with one of our registered nutritional therapists. This half hour session will provide you with support and knowledge to assist you in your new diet, ensuring you are confident about the changes you can make to improve your health and wellbeing. YorkTest define Food Intolerance as a food-specific IgG reaction.
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IBS Diet Programme

34,912.50 /Pack Get Latest Price
Suffering from digestive distress? The IBS Diet Programme analyses your reactions to 158 foods and drinks, providing you with a personalised Low FODMAP plan and nutritional support to help you replace your trigger foods and optimise your diet. Includes: *Expert testing of IgG antibody reactions to 158 foods and drinks*Simple finger prick blood test taken in the comfort of your own home*Convenient mail order testing kit no need to visit our laboratory*Personalised list of low FODMAP foods tailored to you*30 minute telephone consultation with one of our registered Nutritional Therapists*Comprehensive Guidebook and 12 week food and drink diary About Irritable Bowel Syndrome and the IBS Diet Programme Irritable Bowel Syndrome is a gastro intestinal disorder which affects 1 in 6 people and can develop at any age. The physical effects can vary from discomfort to severe pain with suffers typically experiencing bloating, diarrhea, constipation, flatulence and cramps, all of which impact negatively on quality of life and can be embarrassing and distressing. With your individual results discovered, you will receive a personalised list of low FODMAP foods, taking into account your personal food fingerprint. In addition, a telephone consultation with one of our registered Nutritional Therapists will provide you with all the support and guidance needed to optimise your diet and improve your health and wellbeing. What is FODMAP? FODMAP stands for Fermentable, Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccarides and Polyols. These are certain types of carbohydrates that are poorly absorbed in the small intestine. When they pass into the large intestine bacteria ferment them. The combination of bacteria and FODMAP foods in the large intestine produces large amounts of gas which results in bloating, pain, diarrhoea andor constipation, all classic symptoms of IBS.
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Ideal Weight Programme

34,912.50 /Pack Get Latest Price
Are you eating well and exercising but not experiencing the desired results? Our Ideal Weight Programme combines IgG reaction testing to 158 foods and drinks with tailored advice and support and a 12 week low GI plan to get you on the right track to eliminate your problem foods and balance your diet. Includes: *Convenient mail order service - no need to visit our laboratory*Expert testing of IgG antibody reactions to 158 foods and drinks*Results include a specific list of low Glycemic Index foods and drinks*Comprehensive guidebook and 12 week food and drink diary*Telephone consultation with one of our registered Nutritional Therapists About the Ideal Weight Programme Are you eating well and exercising but still not experiencing the desired results? Perhaps you would like to achieve your ideal weight but previous diets haven't worked and you aren't sure why. Our Ideal Weight Programme combines IgG antibody testing of 158 foods and drinks with tailored advice and support from our registered Nutritional Therapists. By personalising the low Glycemic Index diet plan to reflect your specific combination of trigger foods, our programme will help you identify alternatives that should optimise your diet and give you a better chance of achieving your ideal weight. Why choose the Ideal Weight Programme Following a low GI diet has for some time been recognised by the medical profession as a healthy way of reducing and maintaining a healthy weight. By making sure that you don't have more glucose than your body needs you will feel fuller for longer and prevent yo-yo dieting. This healthy approach to eating combined with eliminating food intolerances is the best way to find out your optimum diet for losing or maintaining weight. YorkTest define Food Intolerance as a food-specific IgG reaction.
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FoodScan Junior

27,562.50 /Pack Get Latest Price
The FoodScan Junior Programme analyses your child's IgG reaction to 113 foods, providing clear results and nutritional support to help you replace your child's problem foods and optimise their diet. Includes: *Convenient mail order service - no need to visit our laboratory*Expert testing and analysis of IgG antibody reactions to 113 foods *2 x 30 minute telephone consultations with one of our registered Nutritional Therapists*Letter for your childcare provider or school, explaining your child's dietary requirements*Handy results card to carry with you*Suitable for children aged 2-18 As individuals, our reaction to food varies a great deal. An ingredient which may cause problems for one person could be completely acceptable for another. At YorkTest, we like to refer to this as our personal 'food fingerprint'. Discovering and understanding your child's personal dietary intolerances and the effects they may be having on their health and wellbeing is important to ensuring you make the best possible food choices to balance your child's diet. About the FoodScan Junior Programme The YorkTest FoodScan Junior programme analyses your child's IgG reaction to 113 food ingredients to provide you with nutritional advice and support to optimise and balance your child's diet. What to Expect from the FoodScan Junior Programme The YorkTest FoodScan Junior kit contains all you need to take a small blood sample (2 - 3 drops) in the comfort of your own home. Simply return your child's sample to our laboratories for expert analysis. Your child's confidential results and additional support material will be posted to you within 10 days. YorkTest define Food Intolerance as a food-specific IgG reaction.
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